Awana Bible Clubs is all about helping your family engage the Bible. This curriculum can help parents teach and discuss the Bible with their kids.

At Awana’s weekly meetings, volunteers help clubbers understand and remember the Bible verses in their hanbooks. The clubs are a fun, relational environment where kids work together to understand God’s Word.

Family Night - August 30th

Kick off the Fall semester by joining us for Family Night on August 30! Come learn how the Awana Clubs can serve your family and fellowship with other families over some snacks and games. Please stop by anytime between 6:15 and 7:15 PM on August 30th!

If you are already planning to register for Awana, you can help us out by registering before Family Night through our registration link below.


Registration Information

Registration is available throughout the School Year for K-6th Grade and guests are welcome to visit with a friend. All registration will happen through the online form, but we can assist you in filling it out in-person. If you have questions regarding any of the fees, please email your questions to Trevin Farson ( or call the church office.

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K-2nd Grade Program


Sparks serves K-2nd grade students with intentional curriculum and dedicated leaders

In addition to memorizing verses from the handbooks, K-2nd Graders will also be taught a story from the Bible every week and how it relates to Jesus. These lessons will be taken from the Jesus Story Book Bible Curriculum which faithfully points kids to Jesus and the forgiveness he offers.

The three handbooks are designed to build off of each other and should be done in order over the course of three years.

NOTE: Due to this, kids should enter Sparks when they enter Kindergarten. Kids in TK may enter Sparks if the intention is for them to skip Kindergarten and enter 1st grade next year.


3rd-6th Grade Program


The Truth and Training program serves 3rd-6th graders. The students are split into 4 clubs: 3-4 grade girls, 3-4 grade boys, 5-6 grade girls, 5-6 grade boys. All four of these clubs are served by a passionate group of adults who are excited to build friendships with your students and assist them in both memory work and in understanding the Christian faith. Truth and Training clubs will be going through the Discovery of Grace handbook this school year. They will also receive age-appropriate and Biblically-based instruction. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to invest into your students!


Frequently Asked Questions

When does Awana Meet?

Awana meets between 6:15 and 8 PM on Wednesdays. Kids can be dropped off as early as 6 PM and need to be picked up no later than 8:15 PM. See club calendar at the top of the page for meeting dates.

What does a typical night of Awana look like?

Every night of Awana includes playing games, working through memory verses, and hearing a Bible lesson.

How are the ages divided at Awana?

Awana at Fellowship is divided into 5 clubs:

  • “Sparks” (K-2nd grade boys and girls)

  • “Chums” (3rd-4th grade girls)

  • “Pals” (3rd-4th grade boys)

  • “Guards” (5th-6th grade girls)

  • “Knights” (5th-6th grade boys)

Can TK enroll in Sparks?

Kids should enter Sparks when they enter Kindergarten. Kids in TK may enter Sparks if the intention is for them to skip Kindergarten and enter 1st grade next year.

Who serves at Awana?

Only members of Fellowship Church serve at Awana. These members must have attended the church for 6 months or more, pass a background check, and go through a screening and training process before they can serve. Further, Awana volunteers must abide by the safety policies and guidelines set by Fellowship Church. Reach out to Trevin Farson ( for more information about volunteering or about safety policies.

What role do parents play in the Awana program?

Parents play a primary role in their kids’ lives. Awana exists to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children. This partnership works best when parents are helping their kids work through handbooks. We hope that the weekly meeting of the Awana clubs is an encouragement and a resource for parents as they bring up their children in the instruction of our Lord (Ephesians 6:1-4). Other resources to help you instruct your children can be found here.

What does Awana cost per a student?

While Fellowship Church staffs the program, parents cover the costs of materials for their children. Parents pay a club fee and purchase a book and uniform for their child. The cost per a student totals approximately $38 for a K-2nd grade or $43 for a 3rd-6th grader.

What if I cannot afford Awana?

Fellowship Church can give discounts or scholarships on a case-by-case basis. You can request a discount or scholarship by emailing Trevin Farson ( We do not want cost to prevent your student(s) from participating.

Why does Fellowship Church have Awana clubs?

When Jesus called children to himself in Matthew 19:14, he showed us that following him is not just for adults, it is also for kids! We want to help every person connected to our church to know, love, and follow Jesus. This includes kids! Through Awana, we want to help children become acquainted with God’s Word, which is able to make them “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15).


At Fellowship Church, we partner with parents and want every family in our programs to know, love, and follow Jesus.